Contra Bureau marketing & branding, studioGina CovarrubiasMarch 26, 2023Website, Wordpress, Neue Haas Grotesk, Freight
Druh.In portfolio, web design & development, marketing & brandingGina CovarrubiasMarch 11, 2023Website, Editorial New, Neue Montreal, Webflow
OH! ART Agency agency, marketing & brandingGina CovarrubiasFebruary 28, 2023Website, Squarespace 7.1, Aktiv Grotesk, Roc Grotesk
Casey Cam portfolio, marketing & brandingGina CovarrubiasFebruary 26, 2023Website, Webflow, Athletics, Inconsolata
Visual Baker 🏆 student work, web design & development, marketing & branding, serviceGina CovarrubiasFebruary 23, 2023Website, Founders Grotesk, Self Modern, Squarespace 7.1
Studio Evergreen 🏆 student work, studio, marketing & brandingGina CovarrubiasFebruary 19, 2023Website, Squarespace 7.1, IvyPresto, Commuter Sans, Freight
ilovecreatives Studio art & design, marketing & branding, studioGina CovarrubiasJanuary 23, 2023Website, Arial Narrow, Adobe Caslon Pro, Squarespace 7.1
Julie Freund marketing & branding, portfolioGina CovarrubiasJanuary 16, 2023Website, Custom Font, Readymag
Redis Agency agency, marketing & brandingGina CovarrubiasJanuary 15, 2023Website, Editorial New, Webflow
Consulat marketing & branding, photographyGina CovarrubiasDecember 26, 2022Website, Custom, Domaine Text, Foundry Sneak
Soulkynd marketing & branding, web design & developmentGina CovarrubiasDecember 25, 2022Website, Wordpress, Kepler, Clash Display, IvyPresto
Typography Principles ✹ site of the week, marketing & branding, educationalGina CovarrubiasDecember 21, 2022Website, Readymag, Custom Font
Izumi Agency ✹ site of the week, marketing & branding, studioGina CovarrubiasDecember 14, 2022Website, Neue Haas Unica, Squarespace 7.1
Ryu Creative service, marketing & brandingGina CovarrubiasDecember 11, 2022Website, Baskerville, Proxima Nova, Squarespace 7.1
Nice Thing Going marketing & brandingGina CovarrubiasNovember 24, 2022Website, ITC Garamond, Larish Alte, TeXGyreHeros, Webflow
Marcd studio, marketing & branding, web design & developmentGina CovarrubiasNovember 17, 2022Website, TeXGyreHeros, Bota, Next.js, Sanity
Elva Design Group marketing & branding, serviceGina CovarrubiasNovember 5, 2022Website, Basis Grotesque, Custom
Saint Louvent Creation ✹ site of the week, portfolio, marketing & brandingGina CovarrubiasNovember 2, 2022Website, Suisse Int’l, Custom