Finance Friends Forever ✹Course™
with Caroline Snyder (a real Fiduciary!) & Puno of ilovecreatives
Save your spot before end of month or Join the Waitlist
with Caroline Snyder (a real Fiduciary!) & Puno of ilovecreatives
Save your spot before end of month or Join the Waitlist
Why oh why does Personal Finance have to be so hard to learn? And when you do find someone teaching it… let’s be honest, they feel a lil SUS and just not your vibe 😅.
We teamed up with Caroline Snyder, a bona fide Fiduciary, to create a personal financial course that sticks. Our goal is to help you learn those tricky financial concepts alongside a community of Finance Friends Forever so that you’re not figuring this out alone.
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See our FAQ or email
Do you feel like you are “behind financially”? Or have no idea what that even means and would rather not think about it? Or maybe you feel like you’ve got a good grasp, but need some validation that you’re on the right path. Ok, I’ll turn off commercial-guy voice now, but you’re exactly who we made this course for!
✹Take this quiz to see if this course is right for you.
❝Soooo I didn’t feel confident about my personal finances until I was in my 30s. I always thought that I needed to have money before I could deal with it, but that’s a big ole’ misconception that cost me more (financially and emotionally) in the long run.
Learning how to work with my financial situation at any point (good & “bad”) was how I could actually achieve my personal lifestyle and business goals (as a freelancer and founder).
There are always financial unknowns, but having access to a community and space to talk about your own finances is 🔑 to moving forward (without freaking out). We really hope we can be your FFF!❞
— Puno, Course Instructor and Founder of ilovecreatives & Studio
Next class starts on June 30th! Save your spot ✦today or join the waitlist.
In this section, we start with personal finance basics. You know, the stuff we should have been taught in High School. Bonus: everything you’ll learn in this section, you can apply in business, as a freelancer, and later, as Future You (when you’re ready to invest). View the Full Curriculum
Time to get those wings and be a friggin’ guardian angel to your future self. In this section, we tackle all the things your future self puts off. No more! This is your gift to you. Once you’ve finished this section, you’ll officially be an adult and can add an “I’m an Adult” certificate to your LinkedIn profile. View the Full Curriculum
This is where you’ll get to connect with fellow students and a whole crew of alumni!
We wanted to create a safe place to talk about money because honestly, that’s where you’re going to learn the most! It’s like an instant group of finance friends that you can tap for feedback annnd geek out about spreadsheets with. Big plus, once you complete the course, you’ll still have access to the channel.
We’ve got a lot of financial templates, worksheets, and checklists that accompany this course. There’s NO way you can make financial decisions without playing with the numbers. As much as we love pen and paper, this bad boy is digital so you don’t have to do too much math 😅.
Caroline will be popping into the Discord to answer your Qs via the chat.
That’s right! This course is all audio (except for some cases where we need to show you a screen). That means you can listen to this while you’re in your car, at your desk, or wherever you don’t want to be looking at your screen. But don’t you worry, we still made sure it’s edu-taining and fun, so you might just want to listen again to have a good time. 😅
People always ask us “how long does it take to finish?” It depends! Enjoy the flexibility to start & stop this course based on your life and goals. We’ll provide lots of accountability resources along the way. Bonus: You get this course forever, like forever-ever. That means access to any future updates, because stuff changes!
I love how the course helped me prioritize and simplify what to focus on first, next, and finally - in the right order to get my money situation together. While passive income and investing sound sexy (you'll learn all about that in this course, too) what I really needed do was pay off debt and increase income first. ilovecreatives makes financial literacy fun, cool, and easy to understand.
Talking about my finances seemed daunting! I was already in the debt hole and it kinda felt too late. I decided to take this course because I knew I could do better. This wasn’t my first rodeo when it came to credit debt. I knew this time around had to be different. I needed to change my mindset around money management, so that this would be my last time down here!
Both instructors, Caroline and Puno are such a breath of fresh air when it came down to learning the ins and outs of the money world! In the past, when having the money talk with other financial advisors, they’d tend to give me the whole lecture in lingo I didn’t even understand, instead Caroline breaks down terms like “debt consolidation” and “retirement planning” in a way that is still so FUN and a total conversation!
I took "Finance Friends Forever" from ilovecreatives to address my student debt and lack of budgeting for my freelance endeavors. Also, it's taught in an audio format by Puno and Caroline so I was able to fit it into my busy schedule listening in the car. They use humor to teach all aspects of finance and portfolios which was a must for me. Also, it came with access to an insane amount of game-changing materials, like their workbook and several tools like the hourly rate calculator.
It has been such a game changer in the way I look at finances in general. Caroline is the perfect financial advisor for this type of class, caring and kind, but also down to get into the weeds with you!
For me, Finance Friends Forever is thorough, accessible and contains LOTS of information about all aspects of financial literacy. It contains definitions and terminology so you can build foundations. But, it also contains real life examples that are discussed at length, giving insight and a dose of reality to money talks - which can be scary and easier to ignore than dive into.
I used to think finance wasn’t my thing, but Finance Friends Forever is helping me realize I can take more control over my personal finances and achieve my money goals as a freelancer. Puno and Caroline are knowledgeable, relatable, and hilarious. I feel like I'm getting the info I need to know and want to hear, while laughing out loud a lot. Take this course! You won’t regret it
My current financial situation isn’t something I could have predicted when I was younger. And I think that’s ok! But even though you can’t predict the future, you still gotta make choices today. What helps is knowing how to weigh options, and what numbers to assess. That’s allowed me to make optimistic, yet realistic moves in my business, life, and investments.
The way I want to live my life is not traditional… by design. 😅There’s no clear path or right/wrong answer. I left my last job because I felt like I had no agency or control in my life, but along with that came the big responsibility to adult the eff UP, haha! And the way I learned about money was from other people being transparent with me about their choices. I hope as a freelancer, business owner, and creative, I’ll be able to give you a perspective on personal finance that sticks!
Puno and I were obsessive about making this course the absolute best it could be. I know that anyone who takes the course and commits to the work will gain clarity on their money issues, create incredible plans for reaching their goals, and implement those plans with the support of a loving online community.
As a Financial Advisor (aka Fiduciary), I’ve helped my clients create their unique path to financial confidence and freedom by managing their money well. I want to be able to help you as well!
I’ll be answering all the finance questions folks have in our Discord channel once a week.
Next Class
How does enrollment work in a self-paced course? On the start date, you'll get access to the audio lessons, resources, and student chat. There are no live sessions or deadlines, so you can learn on any schedule that's convenient for you!
Enroll by end of month at 11AM Pacific Time!
Have a question? The answer might be in our FAQs.
Join the Waitlist
Are you thinking, “This is awesome, but I want to know more!” Heck yeah, we hear that. Join the waitlist and we’ll ➀ send you the curriculum, ➁ walk you through the course and ➂ answer FAQs we get.
Plus, you’ll be notified about enrollment periods!