Free tools and inspiration to
keep those creative juices flowing!
Free tools and inspiration to
keep those creative juices flowing!
Stressed about Tax Season? This is a survival guide for freelancers and small business owners.
From Squarespace Design and Shopify to Video Creator and Creative Copywriter Courses, multi-talented creative Rafael (Raf) Lumang is stacking skills like no other. An active member of our student community, Raf is the ultimate slashie: a Web Designer & Developer / Content Creator / Influencer Coordinator / ilovecreatives Star Student.
Featuring digital marketing experts who’ve channeled their strategic talents for brands such as Liquid Death, Hinge, and YSL Beauty. They are agency founders, marketing directors, senior marketing managers, and freelance digital marketing consultants who know how to execute the creative vision to drive those conversions.
Butter is an all-in-one video editing tool that lets you incorporate impactful motion graphics in your design projects with unmatched ease 🥞
In this article, we’re diving into the big Squarespace or Shopify question from both a freelancer and client perspective.
In this round-up, we’re featuring 11 unique motion graphic designers whose styles and skill sets create storytelling moments to be remembered. They are a talented mix of freelancers, creative directors, illustrators, and graphic designers.
In this round-up, we’re featuring strong portfolio websites that will definitely get your lightbulbs going and clients interested.
How can you pivot into freelance copywriting with no prior experience? Creative Copywriter Course graduate Olivia Biggar landed clients within 3 months of completing the course. Here’s how you can do it, too.
Pursuing a creative career? Graphic Design Course student Mimi Peiris shares her creative leap, thoughts about needing a degree, and why she will never charge £20 ($25) for a logo again.
We’re featuring 9 photographers whose unique perspectives showcase a stunning array of visionary work. Their portfolios include refreshing food and beverage image-making, mesmerizing portraits on film, and more.