Ep. 7: How can I use Calendly on Squarespace?


About this Episode

Ring ring! ☎️ Incoming call from Toni, Founder of Lash Lift by Toni!

Are you feeling overwhelmed with the appointments/meetings/or catch-ups getting lost in the sauce?? Well first off, congrats on being booked, busy, and blessed! Secondly, did you know there is a simple way of scheduling appointments with potential clients right on your website? Not only that, your pre-req is to have a G-mail account! Easy right?

In this episode, Puno shows us how she uses the app, Calendly, to schedule appointments on Toni’s Squarespace website. Watch the video above to find out how!

⭐️ Don’t forget to check out our Squarespace Design Course⭐️
👀 Apps mentioned: Calendly and Acuity

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⌨️ Here’s the Calendly code from this episode:

For a Popup Widget:

<!-- Calendly Popup Widget Begin -->
<link href='https://assets.calendly.com/assets/external/widget.css' rel="stylesheet">
<script src='https://assets.calendly.com/assets/external/widget.js' type="text/javascript"></script>
	<!-- Insert Squarespace Button -->
	<div class="sqs-block button-block sqs-block-button"><div class="sqs-block-content">
	<div class="sqs-block-button-container--center" data-alignment="center" data-button-size="small">
	<a href="" class="sqs-block-button-element--small sqs-block-button-element" data-initialized='true' onclick="Calendly.showPopupWidget('https://calendly.com/bytoni/lashlift');return false;">Book an Appointment</a>
<!-- Calendly Popup Widget End -->

For a Link:

<!-- Calendly link Widget Begin -->
	<a href="" onclick="Calendly.showPopupWidget('<https://calendly.com/bytoni/lashlift>');return false;">Book an<br>Appointment</a>
<!-- Calendly link Widget Begin -->



Puno:  [Ring ring] Hello? Don't know how this shit works. Hello?

Toni:  Hello, Puno?

Puno:  New phone. Who dis?

Toni:  Hey, Puno! It's ya girl Toni!

Puno:  This doesn't..... She's on Skype. It's FaceTime or whatever.

[Music] 🎵

Puno:  Hey Toni!

Toni:  Hi Puno!

Puno:  You're on 1-800-HEY-PUNO.

Toni:  Thanks for having me!

Puno:  You told me that you had a baby coming.

Toni:  Yeah, a baby boy.

Puno:  And I was already like... [Mimics Crying].

Toni:  I was doing the leather line for, I want to say at least six years, and then it was just really difficult to kind of get good amount of momentum for it to be sustainable or whatnot. So then, I jumped over to this clothing line to head out there production, and then I'd been there for two years.

Puno:  So then you were nervous about it, but you were like, "I've been thinking about doing lash lifts, and I know it's totally different from being a production manager, from owning a leather bag company, but I've always wanted to do it." When you told me that, I had a piece of bread in my mouth, and I was just like... It made so much sense.

Puno:  I brought out my calculator. Let's do the math here. Does this make sense financially, hourly, all of that stuff. What do you have to do to get started? First, I know where I can take a course and it was one day.

Toni:  That class itself helped me build a portfolio of before and after and then a background knowledge of how to approach like a client, kind of walk through it. So it was a good hands on experience to jumpstart it

Puno:  She took the course the following weekend, she came over to my place, and I was a client number four. I had never done a lash lift before.

Puno:  What is a lash lift?

Toni:  Well, it's just pretty much perming your lashes so that it kind of opens up your face and it brightens your eyes. So, it's just like an alternative to eyelash extension.

Puno:  I also didn't think it would work because my lashes are really, really short. I mean, you could describe my lashes. I will not take any offense.

Toni:  Well, everyone has different lashes, but for the majority, I found that Asians overall have like a very straight, they're downward facing, and super stubborn... Like they hardly take a curl. So, it's helpful to do these lashes and it benefited me. I have these lashes too.

Puno:  Yeah.

Toni:  Once I got mine down, I was like, holy crap, if I could find this useful, then surely there's a good number of people that could also make use of this too.

Puno:  Totally! Then you did my lashes, and it was nuts. It was up. Like it was crazy up, more so than I could ever do with my own lash curler.

Toni:  Right.

Puno:  What is it called? I don't even know what it's called anymore.

Puno:  So I was a believer, and at that same time, because I had actually designed your website for the leather bags, I was like, what if we just turn it into Lash Lifts by Toni?

Toni:  Yeah. That night, honestly, I didn't think we would have a complete website walking out of your place.

Puno:  I'm going to go to it right now. www.bytoni.com. Here it is. It was becoming real that your leather bag company was over at this point.

Toni:  Yeah. It's still kind of stings to realize that it was just, it was just my first baby.

Puno:  You were a little worried too about what other people thought because you're going to use the same domain and the same Instagram account as well. Yeah. It was just totally different. And you were asking me, you were like, well what do you think other people are going to feel when they see that it's totally different?

Toni:  Right.

Puno:  I was just like, screw them.

Toni:  Right. When I asked that question, it seemed like it was not even an issue for you. Then, from there, it just kind of gave me that clarity to be like, okay, I was just thinking too much into it. I just need to let it go.

Puno:  Yeah. With Instagram you went through and literally deleted everything, all the posts that you had, how many? It was like over hundreds of posts.

Toni:  Right. Right. So still kept that handle. I still kept that account, and then I deleted everything. It took me a lot to figure out what I was going to do with the account too.

Puno:  Then, that's when we started working on the website. Then we added your before and afters. These were literally your first clients. That night, we added the services, we added FAQ, and contact but it was a pretty simple page and the fact that we already did the design, it was really easy. And so, we actually added for your book and appointment Calendly,

Toni:  Which has been huge by the way! It's been so helpful. Has it been helpful? There's just so many great things about it. You could easily schedule an appointment. Then, on the website, it allows me to like follow up with clients to kind of push out those new client profiles and then even remind them to sign a waiver.

If you've never seen Calendly before, essentially what it is... It connects to your Google calendar so that if someone makes an appointment, it'll be added to your Google Calendar. That time will be blocked off and nobody else can make an appointment at that time. Sick.

If you want to add Calendly to your website, but also want keep the same button styles and all of that, you're going to have to add some custom code, which I got for you. The first thing you're going to do is.....I have this custom code here. We have it in the show notes.

What I need here is to replace this link. So here's how you find that link. You'll go to the Calendly calendar and then pick the event or the calendar event type that you want. That's the length that you're going to need. So you don't have to worry about all of this stuff because you know who knows what time and what date they're actually going to be looking at this.

So I'm just going to take this, and then I'm going to throw that in this URL section here. Now you're good. You want to copy this widget.

 Just to show you what it's doing, it's basically taking the Squarespace class styles so that you don't ever have to worry about styling it again if you ever change what that button looks like. Then in your Squarespace site, we're going to add a code block. I'm going to erase this Hello World!, paste that widget that we have. You can see here it says book an appointment, if you want to change what that word is, you can be like Book an Appointment! Then you press apply and save. Now this is in preview mode. So if I want to see what it actually looks like, I'm going to go to the website. You can also open up an incognito, and there it is! That is the popup widget.

 If you want to add a link, let's add a link below, open that up again. Now, what you're going to do is you're going to take that same link, this one, and then you're going to put it over here. Same Guy, Book an appointment, however you want to do that. Copy and paste that below. So I'm going to add code again because I want it to be right there. Boom.

 See how it says book and space and appointment? So that's a break in html. So if I remove that, that'll all be on one line like that. But I want that break. So I'm just gonna add open bracket, br closed bracket. Press save, do a little refresh on this bad boy. Scroll down and now you can use Calendly instead of Acuity and a have it look all fancy on your Squarespace site. I tried out Acuity, and I just really don't like the back end. I feel like it's a little messy. I also don't really like how you have to select dates. Some people like Acuity. I find Calendly is better. I like how it integrates with my Google calendar. It just seems.... It just feels easier. So that's why I use Calendly. But yeah, if you wanna use Acuity, it already exists with Squarespace. If you want to use Calendly, there it is. It's a great way to keep your personal life snd your freelance or work life all in one Google calendar because... time doesn't care. Time is like, ah, yeah, time is time. Okay.

Since we recorded this, Toni has had a baby, so unfortunately you're not going to be able to book an appointment with her.

All right. There you go. That is how you add Calendly to your Squarespace site! Go and check the show notes for that code snippet and enjoy. Thanks so much.


Puno:  Thanks for watching... or listening. Don't forget to click to subscribe. Okay. All right. Um, you're still here. That's fine. That's fine. We can do that. We, uh, what do we, what do we got? What do we got? Oh, have you seen this video? Cause that, cause that video definitely is really good. Oh, and if you have any questions, just go to www.ilovecreatives.com/1-800HEYPUNO. We'd love to hear your questions and maybe have you on the call. So yeah, we're waiting for you.