Photography Course — ilovecreatives

⭐️ New: Photography Course is here! Enroll Today


Capture strong visual stories through your unique lens. 

In this course, we’re helping you strategize and map out your vision as an artist, while still making money. We created this course so you can build a sustainable career and define (for yourself) when, where, and HOW to be flexible in this industry.

“I wanted to create something that isn't just your Photography 101 Course. Yes, we’ll show you how I approach photography technically, but in my opinion, there are more important skills before and after you click the shutter that got me the career I have today. This is where you develop your voice — enhance what you already have; what you’re already passionate about. This course mixes Creative and Business, to pull back the curtain on areas that are often overlooked in the industry.” — Kanya Iwana, Course Instructor

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Who is this
✹Course For?

Take the quiz to see if this course is right for you!


If you’re a hobbyist looking to freelance, a burnt-out photographer searching for a fresh perspective, or someone who’s always wanted to befriend a camera, you were 100% our muse for creating this course.

I’m a recent grad, but they don’t teach us how to find a job.

I’ve built a pretty solid portfolio of projects throughout college, but I have no idea how I want to translate my skills into a career (I’m panicking).

I take photos as a hobby, but I want to start making money.

I’m a self-taught photographer, and I can really see a future in building a career out of photography, but I have zero clue as to where I should start.

I’m a freelance photographer, but I’m feeling a little stuck.

I’ve been doing freelance photography for 3+ years, but I’m not landing the type of clients I want to work with long-term.

I’m a commercial photographer, and I’m hella burnt out.

Honestly, I just want a safe space to re-learn the excitement of creating for myself.

I’m an established photographer, and I want to learn from a new lens!

I want to revamp my creative process and see how I can improve my business.

I’m a small business owner.

I’ve hired photographers to take photos for my small business in the past, but they’ve never really turned out the way that I envisioned so it got me thinking: what if I just learned how to take professional photos myself?

I want to learn how to use a camera.

I have a camera at home but don’t know how to take good pictures. I want to learn the basics of photography and be more intentional about documenting my life!
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You may be curious or even cynical about a career in Photography because it can seem like a fun hobby but how do you turn it into a real career? It can be intimidating because it can feel like there’s no structure due to the artistic and creative nature of the business. In this lesson, we will show you how to strategically map out your photography career with your artistic and business goals in mind.

You’ll learn:
• Level 1 — What is your creative ethos?
• Level 2 — Finding inspiration 
• Level 3 — Blending technique with storytelling


In this section, we’ll teach you how to create a treatment deck from scratch—an essential tool for pitching to clients and brands. You’ll learn how to articulate your vision and the goals of your shoot or content, transforming them into a clear artistic statement with a distinct tone. We’ll guide you in breaking it down into key components to help bring your vision to life, from the first spark of pre-production to the final touch of post-production.

You’ll learn:
• Level 1 — Developing the Concept
• Level 2 — Breaking down the shots 
• Level 3 — Treatment → Shoot → Delivery

Studio Management
& Business

It’s called a Studio, whether it’s brick and mortar or not. In this section, you’ll learn all biz related – managing archives, emails, negatives, schedule, budget, etc. Add legitimacy. You are your own “Studio Manager”. Your agent won’t do everything for you!

You’ll learn:
• Level 1 — Be Your Own Agent
• Level 2 — Business Admin 
• Level 3 — Marketing Yourself

✹In The Course

Self-Paced Forever Access

Feel free to work through this course at the pace that makes most sense for you. You’ll have forever access to the lessons and resources.

Exclusive Resources: 
Lightroom Presets, Finance Templates, and more.

Get access to Kanya’s exclusive resources, including a collection of select Lightroom presets so that you have a solid reference for exploring your own visual style.

Treatment Deck Template

You’re getting a detailed walkthrough of how Kanya puts together her treatment decks, and we’re giving you the template too. Nail your cold pitches, craft intentional moodboards, and adapt your artist statement for different brands.


Why This Course
Is Different

Not your average 
Photography 101.

At the core of this course is the philosophy that you deserve the space to find and grow your artistic voice. We’re here to show you that a robust career in photography IS possible if you desire it.

Learn from a Visionary Photographer with Industry Experience

Standing out in the industry as a multi-disciplinary artist, Kanya has channeled her signature romantic visual style for notable brands, public figures, and personal projects. And now, she’s ready to help YOU discover your own unique tastes and colors.

Industry-approved Resources

Kanya’s treatment deck has gotten the industry stamp of approval time and time again. In this course, she’s showing you how to build one with intentionality and truly make the treatment deck your own.

Becoming your own agent

We’re going the extra mile to teach you how to run your own business. Even if you’re working for yourself, you’re still considered your own studio, and we’re prepping you to handle allllll that responsibility.

Your Instructor
✹Kanya Iwana

Photography is a medium that is captured in a microsecond, and it lasts forever—THAT’S CRAZY. I first picked up a camera because I loved film and cinema, and I was drawn to photography as a more immediate version of storytelling. 

Before building a career in photography, I was a photo hobbyist for a while. When I took photos, I wanted to absorb, enjoy, document and SPONGE UP this life that I have. I realized some of these moments are fleeting, and I wanted to capture them. I wanted to document human behavior and how it transcends into art—and how we keep these moments forever. 

Looking back, I knew I wanted this as a career when I started, partly out of necessity. And because of this necessity and instinct, I attached business to photography right out the gate. So that’s what we’re going to teach: creating a career out of photography.


Kanya’s Previous Commercial Clients & Editorial Cover Stories


But should I take
✹This Course?

(Take the 3 Minute Quiz)

& Price

 Photography Course with Kanya Iwana



How does enrollment work in a self-paced course? You'll get immediate access to the video lessons, resources, and other course materials once you log-in from the welcome e-mail. You can learn on any schedule that's convenient for you!

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