Ep. 10: What's the Quickest Way to Export in Photoshop?


About this Episode

Are you ready to do some DRILLS? 🥊 We thought so! In this week’s episode of #1800HEYPUNO, we’re about to blow your mother photoshoppin’ MIND 🤯with this ultimate time saver. We all know how long it can take to export images when working with multiple assets. You’ve gotta go aaaaalll the way up to “File”, and then “Save as…” for EACH. IMAGE. Yaaawwwwwn. 😴 And remember “slices”? Who wants to make slices?? No M’aam! Not us! You can forget about all that because today we’re going to show you a faster and more organized way to export those images. Oooooo you’re about to save SO MUCH TIME. ⏳Let us know how it goes in the comments and then go ahead and read that book you’ve been putting off because you have so much time. Go on. Dooooo it. Do it. 

🔍Get Adobe Photoshop today!

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