Ariane Keona Ochoa
Visual Designer / Graphic Designer / UI/UX Designer
Orange County, CA
instagram @arianekeona.png
Q What do you do?
“Hello there! I’m Ariane (are-ee-ahn) Keona (kee-oh-nah) — the keona is optional, but I like to embrace it at times — and I’m a visual designer and creative, with specialties in graphic design and UI/UX design.”
I have a deep desire to create authentic and imaginative work that shares stories of creativity and humanity. In simpler terms, I like to make pretty pictures that mean something to someone.
Q What steps did you take to get to where you are now?
I grew up in a fairly competitive schooling system from elementary school until high school and I envisioned my future would look like every other kid in my area: attending a prestigious school as a computer science major and working for a tech company by the time I graduate. However, during my senior of high school, I took an Introduction to Graphic Design class and my interests quickly shifted. I ended up pursuing a major in Informatics at the University of California, Irvine which helped me gain experience in UI/UX design, but I desired and needed a creative outlet outside of that. I applied to be a graphic designer at my school’s esports organization and continued to grow in my visual communication skills and my love of design. I’ve also discovered a love for urban design during my time in college and I hope to someday enter the architecture and planning industry using my design skills to contribute to a field that shapes the spaces we take up and share with one another. Throughout my academic career, I have had the opportunity to create so much. From the weekly graphics I ship out to the social media team at UCI Esports to the 10-week-long UI/UX projects I complete with my fellow Informatics majors, I have evolved as a creative, and my desire to use all that I have learned outside of my little bubble has grown as well. As I enter this post-grad life I am seeking out opportunities to find places where I can create pieces that matter.
Q How do you stand out in your field?
As a designer, I identify with multiple titles. Currently, I have a strong academic background in human-computer interaction and all things user experience, while I have a professional work background in graphic design and visual communication. All that’s to say — I simply love the art of creating. But more importantly, I love to create things that are meaningful. Which is why as I embark on the journey of job hunting, I am looking for positions where my work is NOT simply designing to convince consumers that they need to buy this new product but instead I am looking for positions that allow me to produce work sustainably and authentically.
Q What are you working on right now?
I am taking on the arduous task of refining my portfolio. Amidst the 10 job applications I send out every day, I am continuously trying to ensure my portfolio is up to par with the other designers in the field which means a constant back and forth as I debate between my site’s color palette, project layout, and about me information I want to display.
Q What’s your style?
I love this question. As a proud enneagram 4w3, I take immense pride in my individuality and I like to think in everything I make, even if I am not given much creative freedom, there is always a little flair that makes my work feel like me. My style is dreamy, colorful, and full of life. I look back at my Summer in Seoul series and I think it perfectly encapsulates my take on design.
Q Out of all your slashies, which one do you wish you could do more often?
I would love to hone in on my graphic design skills. Most of what I know right now is self-taught and I would love to gain a grounded background in the discipline, particularly outside of the eSports gaming industry that I worked in for two years. As I mentioned before, I would like to one day work in the architecture and planning industry, and if given the opportunity I would love to learn how to create designs that help urban planners and designers communicate their work to the people. I am so intrigued as to how environmental graphic design differs from what I have practically self-taught myself in visual communication graphic design and I hope the path that I’m on gives me an excuse to figure that out.
Q What is frustrating you right now?
AGH! The job market!!! As an early graduate, I did not take the typical route of getting an internship my summer of junior year, and so among all the other well-qualified designers who are applying to the same jobs as me, I feel, to be really honest, underqualified. I’m battling with the fact that I haven’t had much professional experience in UI/UX design, despite having the degree to prove that I have the skills. Meanwhile, I’ve had the work experience in graphic design, but not the degree to back it up. I feel equally inadequate in both disciplines but also confident that if given the chance, I can show people what I’m made of.
Q If you could hire someone for $20/hour, what would you have them do to make your day easier?
Simple. I would have them apply to jobs for me. I need all the help I can get!
Q What do you wish you could have told yourself, when, and why?
Amidst the teenage crisis of everyone’s voices telling me who to be and what to do when I’m older, I would’ve told myself to pursue creativity. I would tell myself that I have the potential and in this world, that is all you really need. I would tell her that in college she’ll get a job that combines her love of video games and art and that her love for creating would only grow! Do not hold yourself back, you can do hard things!
Q If you could talk to an expert to gain more insight on something, what would it be about?
Urban design. If you couldn’t tell already, I think urban design is really cool. And I really wish that at the very least I minored in it in college. I absolutely love cities, I’m constantly thinking about life in my 20s and pursuing my dream of living abroad in different walkable cities and learning how people live in these places.
Q What kind of opportunities/projects are you looking for?
Right now, I’m looking for anything (internships, part-time, full-time, contract!!!) in brand & identity, visual communication, marketing, web, user experience, or product design. I’m trying to get my foot in the door, all while of course keeping my values in check.
Q Describe your ideal job/client/collaboration.
My dream opportunity would be to work with people who value authentic human connection and provide the perfect space for just enough creative freedom while providing me with the needed direction and guidelines. I want to contribute to projects that serve people with other creatives who have the same passion.
Q What is your rate?
Reach out to me! I’m just starting out, so I’d love to talk more about it, as every project is different and I believe that insight into the details of the project would help me include you in the process!
Q How should someone approach you about working together?
Email me at, and come with a passion and a purpose! I’d love to see where your head is at currently and understand how I can come in to help.
Q Who is a creative you admire?
Luke Pearson — the creator behind my favorite animated series, Hilda, and my ultimate creative inspiration
Elliot Ulm — almost like the original graphic design inspiration for me
Cheyenne Barton — an incredible illustrator and if you’re looking for where I get my color inspo!
Max Kolo — super cool and incredibly talented guy who redesigns flyers and posters in New York, I think I’d like to do this someday too
Kirsten Ochoa — my very talented sister, who also happens to be a graphic designer
Q Oh! and… how do you stay creative?
Rewatch my favorite animated movies and TV series and exchange stories with creative minds.
This member profile was originally published in May 2024.