Fabian Molina
Fabian Molina
Director / Animator / Designer, Co-Founder of Bloom Studios
San Francisco, CA
What do you do?
“Primarily, I’m co-founder of Bloom Studios, a creative agency, in San Francisco. On a daily basis you’ll find me directing, animating, designing, illustrating, taking photos, and telling brand stories or stories of my own.”
If you have multiple jobs and/or skills, which one do you wish you could do more often?
Telling stories and working with brands to tell theirs is part of my everyday job, but what I'd like to do is to work even more closely with them, by not only telling their stories in the form of videos, but by creating memorable interactive experiences and connections to their audience. I'd also like to direct an animated feature film one day.
Give us a specific example of how you do your job like a BOSS.
Every day is a hustle. But there are those days where I feel like I just climbed Mt. Everest. I have that feeling of excitement every time a client likes one of my pitches. Working on an idea or concept is really exciting to me. Then it's all about getting people excited and sold on the same vision and managing them to execute it. Directing a video and successfully creating something that both the client and I really love has got to be one of the most rewarding parts of my job.

What are all the tools (digital or physical) you use on a regular basis?
iMac, Wacom cintiq, ipad, iPhone. Sketchbooks galore, pens, pencils, markers, and paints. All for work.
Adobe creative suite, but mainly photoshop, illustrator, Indesign, after effects, premier, and Lightroom. Toon boom animate pro. Designspiration.net
What are you working on right now?
I find myself working on several things at once. But in the office, I'm working on some pitches to clients and beginning some landmark projects for our business. In the little to no spare time I have, I work on my short film, a zombie love story. And when I'm at home I stick to small experimental projects for myself, like painting or making GIFS. Right now, in my home office, you’ll find a half-finished painting of a friend's dog.
What is frustrating you right now? What is making your business hard to move forward?
“Not having enough money,” is always the easy answer for questions like this. But really when it comes down to it I can really do anything I want, all it takes is time. TIME! That’s it, I wish I had more time. I find it frustrating that there are only 24 hours in a day.
What are you putting off right now, but you know you have to get to, but you haven’t had the time?
The short film I have been working on and the feature film I am trying to write. I can only do so much in between commercial work and hanging out with my small family.
If you could hire someone for $20/hour, what would you have them do to make your day easier?
I would have them help me animate some of my short films.
If you could talk to an expert to gain more insight on something, what would it be about?
Building a lasting creative agency that makes an impact on the world.
What kind of opportunities/projects are you looking for right now?
I’m looking for great people to collaborate with. I want to work with designers, photographers, creators of all types to just make amazing things. I want to work with brands that really want to make an impact on the world and help them do that.
How are you looking for these opportunities/projects right now?
Right now a lot of our my work and my studio’s work comes from referrals or word of mouth. I’m lucky enough that I don’t often have to go looking for work. But when I do, I always look for the best brands and people that I can think of and aim my arrow towards them.
Describe your ideal client or collaboration. Even if it doesn’t actually exist!
I’d love to do some work for Adult Swim. Some real off the wall animation stuff. That would be fun.
My ideal collaboration though would to just be working on an animated feature with my friends and co-workers at Bloom. That would be one of the best feelings ever.
Describe a client you would rather not have. What are your deal breakers?
Untrustworthy people or businesses. Trust is a big thing for me. I really believe in being fully transparent about goals, objectives, and just being true to yourself as well.
Negative people are hard to work with to. I’m a positive person and I have to work with positive, happy, inspiring, people.
What is your rate, retainer, or salary range?
Day Rate is around $300 - $800 / day depending on positions from animation to art direction
Salary is around $80k - $100k depending on position.
For video work it’s around $5,000 / 30 seconds
How should someone approach you about working with you?
I prefer a phone call. 707-481-7363
But an email works just as well.
An intro could include scope, budget, and timeline. GIFS are cool too!
This member profile was originally published on December 2014.