Rebecca Buenik
Rebecca Buenik
Stylist / Interior Designer / Founder Longwood Drive Studios
Los Angeles, CA
Instagram @rebecca_bee
What do you do?
I create beautiful spaces through interior design. Style table tops for photoshoots. Consult and collaborate with other creatives to produce visual content for brands. I search for unique pieces at thrift stores, design patterns for textiles, make a house a home items that have stories behind them. Next I want to get a good camera and learn photography. I also adore taking long walks in neighborhoods at dusk. Seeing all the beautiful houses keeps me inspired.
“I create beautiful spaces that tell a story; layering in sentimental objects, vintage finds and textiles. ”
What steps did you take to get where you are now?
I guess the first step was growing up in a creative family that owned a balloon store. After going to school for interior design in Chicago, moving to LA and started the climb to reach my career. Networking with people in the design industry, making friends, blogging and trying to get away from the computer to get fresh inspiration.
For other people in your field, what do they usually lack?
The fear of asking for what you want. For the longest time I was afraid of what people think of me or just saying 'no'.
What are you working on right now?
I am working on building Longwood Drive Studios, a boutique firm specializing in creating visual content for makers, interior design and art direction. And general hustling.
We are all Slashies with multiple skills, which one do you wish you could do more often?
Styling, interiors, textile design, creative consultation.
What is frustrating you right now?
Finding clients that see my value. Having enough wisdom and confidence in myself to move forward. Knowing how much my services are worth so I am not underpaying myself. Getting work.
What task keeps landing at the bottom of the To Do list?
A business plan, the origin story of Longwood Drive, finances. All the things that need to be a priority to move on.
If you could hire someone for $20/hour, what would you have them do to make your day easier?
Anything with business- from marketing, to PR to finances. I've got the creative part down and I know what I should do but it's the blurry part in between that has me stuck.
Let's bring out the time machine. What do you wish you could have told yourself, when, and why?
Back to college to focus more on business classes. To take a wider range of creative classes. When moving to LA - reaching out and forming friendships. To believe in my unique vision and not second guess.
If you could talk to an expert to gain more insight on something, what would it be about?
I don't have anyone specifically but I would love a mentor in the art direction /interior design world. Someone who has founded their own business with pride and integrity. Valuing the design over the status it brings.
What kind of opportunities/projects are you looking for?
I'm looking to do prop styling and art direction for a big home goods brand. To style the Anthroplogie or West Elm catalog. Photoshoots for lookbooks. Collaborate with other designers to design textiles, furniture and home accessories. Decorate a hotel.
“I’m looking to do prop styling and art direction for a big home goods brand.”
What is your ideal client?
Lulu and Georgia, Parachute Home...medium home good brands that have a fresh style. Working with a great team on creating a look/experience for a photoshoot or event. Working hard but also having fun with the people while doing it.
What is your rate?
What my rate is something that is always difficult for me. Day rates range from $200 - $400 depending on budget. Hourly rate starts at $20. It also depends on the company and if I feel it's a good move for my career.
How should someone approach you about working together?
For them to know my work and have a similar aesthetic. To want to form a lasting relationship. Some inspiration, the scope and a funny GIF never hurt anyone.
This member profile was originally published in January 2016.