Samuel Flores
Q What do you do?
“I focus on making content for artist, musicians, and brands.”
I am a photographer/videographer and editor.
Q What steps did you take to get to where you are now?
I first started by reaching out to people in the film industry that I wanted to work with and fortunately, I have been given opportunities to work and network to keep more experienced people around me to allow me to grow.
Q How do you stand out in your field?
I believe I stand out in my field for helping my clients solve a problem and or help reach their goals. We are in the service business.
Q What are you working on right now?
Currently, I'm working right now on filming and editing videos for medicare.
Q What’s your style?
I don't have a specific style that I focus on so much as I love to broaden out my creativity.
Q Out of all your slashies, which one do you wish you could do more often?
Right now I’m focusing solely on my filmmaking craft.
Q What is frustrating you right now?
As grateful I am for being given opportunities from word of mouth, I have spent less time focusing on landing clients through a job search website like this. I’m trying to broaden my reach to other potential clients.
Q If you could hire someone for $20/hour, what would you have them do to make your day easier?
Nothing comes to mind right now.
Q What do you wish you could have told yourself, when, and why?
I would have told myself years ago to make that leap and start reaching out to my now mentor. But, I realized everything happens for a reason and things will align over time.
Q If you could talk to an expert to gain more insight on something, what would it be about?
It would be more about negotiating to price overall.
Q What kind of opportunities/projects are you looking for?
I'm looking to connect with potential clients and form relationships with them. I'm open to various types of projects.
Q Describe your ideal job/client/collaboration.
I love working with clients who communicate, have a vision in mind, and I am the one who completes it.
Q: What is your rate?
It's hard to answer this question because every project is different. So, please don’t hesitate to reach out with any questions!
Q How should someone approach you about working together?
I would prefer the potential client to start by talking about their company and what they do and also including what they are trying to accomplish (ultimate goal) along with deliverables. From there we can start a conversation about budget and so forth.
Q Who is a creative you admire?
I have two mentors that I learn from and always love to give back whenever I get the opportunity.
Ricardo Ramirez Alex Rosa
Q Oh! and… how do you stay creative?
I like to remember why I started creating in the first place. Which is listening to music and seeing where the mind takes me and lastly just by picking up my camera and shooting for myself.
This member profile was originally published in January 2022.