Steph Ullman
Q What do you do?
“I’ve seen copywriters use so many clever terms to describe themselves. ”
Wordsmith, word architect, grammar ninja. This might betray my creative identity, but I see myself as more of a chemist (my way of reclaiming multiple semesters of failed science classes?).
Like an equation, sentences and paragraphs need to be carefully balanced if you want to create the desired reaction. It takes a meticulous hand to stir up a potent mix of concise, gripping, and witty. So, that’s what I do: carefully arrange words in a way that releases happy chemicals in people’s brains."
Q What steps did you take to get to where you are now?
"I actually fell a$$-backwards into freelance work. Immediately after graduating with my Journalism degree, I ended up in a real estate job that simply wasn't a good fit (a story for another day). About a year later, I walked away from that role with nowhere to be on Monday morning, so I decided to try freelancing while I looked for work.
That was in July 2017 – by November, I found myself turning down a full-time job in favour of remaining independent. In those four months, I had done enough cold calling and scrappy networking to sow the seeds of a legitimate career. What started as a placeholder became the only place I wanted to be."
Q How do you stand out in your field?
I really, really do my best to make things fun. Whether it's writing a cheeky headline or being saucy in the Slack chat, I weave play into my work whenever possible. We're here for a good time, not a long time – so let's act like it!
Q What are you working on right now?
One of my favourite surprises this year has been a spike in email marketing demand, specifically for DTC brands. Short, snappy emails allow me to try on so many different voices and tones; I’m constantly on my toes.
Q What’s your style?
Humour is my fairy dust. Whenever possible (and appropriate), I sprinkle some around. For everything else, my signature recipe is equal parts bold, witty, and direct.
Q What is frustrating you right now?
Not quite a business gripe, but if one more person asks me if I'm worried about ChatGPT, I might turn them to stone.
Q If you could hire someone for $20/hour, what would you have them do to make your day easier?
Handle my invoicing! I have a feral impulse to run the other way whenever I see a tangle of numbers.
Q What do you wish you could have told yourself, when, and why?
"Before I dove headfirst into freelancing, I was totally consumed by the question ""Why me?"" Why would a brand or business choose me out of a lineup? Why, in a market saturated with talent, would I be The One™? At 23 years old, it felt like pie in the sky.
So, I'd use the time machine to reassure myself that *it is possible.* Not only will people want to work with you, they'll also stick around for the long haul! And even refer you to other people! What a world!"
Q What kind of opportunities/projects are you looking for?
As a proud generalist, I like to cast my net niiiiice and wide. Variety is the spice of freelance life; it keeps my ideas fresh. Brand or agency, landing page or blog, email or case study. If it's written on a screen, I can lend a hand.
Q Describe your ideal job/client/collaboration.
Trust is such a creative firestarter. When my clients trust me to do my thing and don't put up too many guardrails, great things happen. I certainly don't expect to have free reign 24/7 like some untameable stallion. But the best experiences I've had as a freelancer have been with teams that leave room to iterate and explore.
Q What is your rate?
My hourly rate is $100, but I'm happy to build out a custom price structure for any given client. I'm here to serve, after all. Per project? Per content piece? Let's chat about it.
Q How should someone approach you about working together?
I've got my mind on my inbox and my inbox on my mind (always). Drop me a line at and we'll take it from there.
Q Oh! and… how do you stay creative?
Dance party playlist / when my well of words runs dry / Pitbull gives me life
This member profile was originally published in June 2023