Ally Betker's Portfolio art & design, portfolioGina CovarrubiasDecember 25, 2023Website, Arial Narrow, Editorial New, Webflow
Goodside Studio art & design, marketing & branding, studioGina CovarrubiasDecember 24, 2023Website, Webflow, FF More, Nimbus Sans
Basil and Pear 🏆 student workGina CovarrubiasDecember 23, 2023Website, Squarespace 7.1, Sofia Pro, Bely
Darina CG Artist art & design, portfolioGina CovarrubiasDecember 22, 2023Website, Syne, Work Sans, Webflow
NON — STANDARD art & design, studioGina CovarrubiasDecember 21, 2023Website, ABC Diatype, Diatype Mono, Kirby
Disguised fashion, e-commerceGina CovarrubiasDecember 20, 2023Website, Shopify, Neue Montreal, Garamond
Usal fashion, e-commerceGina CovarrubiasDecember 19, 2023Website, Neue Haas Grotesk, PP Supply Mono, Shopify
Tanya Timal photography, portfolioGina CovarrubiasDecember 17, 2023Website, Custom, Inter, Editorial New
Julien Vallon art & design, photography, portfolioGina CovarrubiasDecember 15, 2023Website, Heisei Kaku Gothic, LFT Etica, Custom
Eminente ✹ site of the week, portfolio, photographyGina CovarrubiasDecember 13, 2023Website, Wordpress, Neue Montreal, Recife
Betty Wang art & design, portfolioGina CovarrubiasDecember 7, 2023Website, Cargo, Neue Haas Grotesk, Diatype
Herve Baillargeon ✹ site of the week, Video, portfolioGina CovarrubiasDecember 6, 2023Website, Custom, Suisse Int’l, NB International, DIN Engschrift