Puno and Kyera do client call role plays
00:00:00 - Puno and Elyse do a client call roll play scenario. Elyse is the client and Puno is talking to her about what she needs for her e-commerce website.
00:18:00 - Puno and Kyerra do a client call roll play scenario. Kyerra is the client and Puno is talking to her about creating a brand new website.
00:27:15 - Puno goes through the “Let’s jump on a call” Client Questions resource.
00:48:01 - Shelby asks what are cookies and do you need them on your site? Puno shares a resource on cookies: https://support.squarespace.com/hc/en-us/articles/360001264507-The-cookies-Squarespace-uses
00:52:50 - Shelby asks how do we get a site indexed to google?
00:55:15 - Puno goes over Carlia’s potential 3.2 inspo site https://gumroad.com