Intro to CSS with our CSS Database


Crissy walks through how to use the Squarespace CSS Database to efficiently write CSS and code.


00:07:00 Intro to CSS

00:10:00 ID vs. Class

00:17:00 The Squarespace CSS Database

00:22:00 If you coded an animation on that shape, would it affect all shapes across the site?

00:24:00 Can you show how to edit a specific block id found this way?

00:32:00 So color themes are kinda weird. When or what would be an example of why you would want to target the color themes with css?

00:35:00 When building on 7.1, would you suggest editing mobile at the same time or at the end of the desktop build?

00:42:00 Any other tips for not falling down the css rabbit hole?

00:46:00 What do you use to organize/capture code that you re-use all the time?