Desirée Cáceres

I'm took the Graphic Design Course and I absolutely love it and I kinda have a lot to say. I decided to take it because I wanted to change careers from a technical engineering background and dive into the creative design industry and I had no idea how to do that apart from my experience being a freelance photographer. I think the course structure is very clever and well thought-out and the lectures are packed with so much useful knowledge - and I love the gifs and the dedication and quality of the videos as well! Every part of this course is curated and it is so satisfying!

I honestly love Puno and the way she delivers these lectures because they’re super casual and entertaining and so easy to follow and it makes everything so much more attainable. I love the real-life anecdotes and the words of encouragement because sometimes it can get overwhelming and it’s just really nice to have that acknowledgement. I am so grateful for the work that the T.A.s, put to answer our questions and give us meaningful feedback, it is extremely helpful to me and really changes my perception of my work and how I’m doing and also what the perspective of other people is! Espeeeecially because the T.A.s are also designers which makes the feedback super invaluable.

I truly came into this course not really understanding what a graphic designer even does, I honestly thought it would be all illustrations which is not really my forte, and now I know it’s soooo much more than that. Now, I really feel like I can tackle any type of project using the structures and frameworks I’ve learned in this course and thatI’ve also created for myself. Like I’m not scared of beginning a design project from scratch because I’ve seen time and time again that these frameworks really do help!

My advice would be to take all the time you need to really understand the basics and to practice all the technical skills! The best thing about this type of course is that it's self-paced. Sometimes I had to take long breaks between sections and it felt daunting to know how much time had passed. Yet, I never felt judged or like my work mattered any less because the nature of these courses is ongoing so there will always be T.A.s giving feedback and truly, all other students are completing the course at their own pace, so you're always covered.

I got a job at a really really cool company designing Director Treatments for Film & TV literally a month after having finished the Graphic Design Course! I learned so much and I’m applying eeeverything and learning a ton every day. I’m still freelancing on the side though, wanna build my own thing so I feel like adding web design to my services can be an awesome way to apply my GDC knowledge.

Graphic Design Course Graduate 🏆