Andrea Franco
Andrea Franco
Filmmaker / Photographer /
Founder of Nuhr Studio
Venice Beach, CA
Instagram @andreafrancob
Instagram @nuhrstudio
twitter @nuhrstudio
What do you do?
I’m a filmmaker, photographer and artist + founder of Nuhr Studio.
“I’m a filmmaker, photographer and artist + founder of Nuhr Studio.”
What steps did you take to get where you are now?
Growing up in Peru, I always knew I wanted to create, be a filmmaker and an artist. Later on I went to college for film in Peru, and then transferred to the University of Miami to get a BFA in Film and Photography, where I developed a passion for non-fiction film. After college I landed my first job as a producer for Vh1 Latin America, directing and producing all on air promotions along with a multidisciplinary team.
Few years later, I realized I wanted to deepen my studies in art and film, and connect to my initial calling, so I moved to California to attend California Institute of the Arts, to get an MFA in Film/Video and Art. The years in CalArts further developed my practice as a filmmaker and artist, and I created work that screened at festivals, museums and galleries. When I founded Nuhr Studio in 2013, my vision was to find a way to merge my two backgrounds in art and advertising, to create a space to create and offer a balance between the creative world and the art world.
For other people in your field, what do they usually lack?
I believe it’s very important to listen and to connect with the client or whoever you are making work for in a deep and intuitive way. When I am making films, I spend time connecting to the place or the subjects, to engage and understand. I’ve noticed throughout the years that sometimes creators override the client’s needs with their own need to fulfill their creativity, and this disconnection leads to a struggle in the work.
What are you working on right now?
At the moment I’m working on a few video and photography projects with a couple of fashion brands. These are my favorite to work on, since the creativity is very unrestricted and I get to collaborate with the designers vision, becoming co-creators. From lookbooks, to stories, to more abstract work. I am also working on some video content for a non-profit organization that has a special place in my heart, Spirituality for Kids.
I also just came back from a really fun surf road trip down to Central Baja, Mexico, where I shot some travel video for a new app that is launching soon, created by Tastemade. I often collaborate with Grafikisto, and we’re cooking up a new little project.
Aside from Nuhr Studio projects, as part my personal practice I am working on a new 16mm film and art book that I have been developing the past few years. I’m also starting a new film, co-directed with my friend and artist, Alex Herboche. I am always finding a balance between my artwork, and the work I create for different clients.
I am currently also curating a program of experimental films for the Lima Independent Film Festival.
We are all Slashies with multiple skills, which one do you wish you could do more often?
I would film all day. Shooting on film. There is something magical that happens when you are behind the lens of a motion camera, that creates a frame that contains your perception, makes you enter a completely different reality. I especially like shooting on film, because of the discipline and process it entails. And my favorite, to actually use an eyepiece and wrap your vision inside of this tiny little cave.
What is frustrating you right now?
To explain the value of the work that I do.
What task keeps landing at the bottom of the To Do list?
Go to sleep early.
If you could hire someone for $20/hour, what would you have them do to make your day easier?
Help with administration and sales. And organizing my life! (So I can go and sleep early)
Let's bring out the time machine. What do you wish you could have told yourself, when, and why?
That the universe has a master plan. That when things were not going exactly like I wanted them to, it’s just an illusion. To have certainty that it’s because there is something better coming my way.
What kind of opportunities/projects are you looking for?
I’m constantly looking for more film and video projects. Would love more opportunities that involve travel and capture different settings. I'm also a surfer, so I am looking to incorporate some more surf-related and travel creative work in the mix. My approach to film and video is very verité/documentary, so I love these kinds of projects.
And as I said before, working on fashion and conceptual videos has been such a creatively exciting experience, that I would love to continue in that direction as well.
“I’m constantly looking for more film and video projects. Would love more opportunities that involve travel and capture different settings.”
What is your ideal client?
I love when jobs are more of a collaborative process, where everyone involved has a voice to create something amazing together. The work environment should be a safe place to put great ideas come to life. I love to work with creative, assertive and committed people that have passion for what they are doing.
Do you allow yourself to say No?
It’s very important for me to find work relationships that are based on mutual respect and goodwill. With time you learn to be open to new experiences, but to also learn how to communicate effectively and make sure everything is cleared even before the project starts. This barely happens, but I’ve had a few instances where I had to say no, not only for myself, but also because I felt it wouldn’t be fruitful for either side.
What is your rate?
The price range varies depending on the project because of the nature and variables involved in film, photography and travel. The only times I offer an hourly rate is when I am involved in consulting.
How should someone approach you about working together?
The best way to contact me is by writing an email to It is also great when clients have visited our website to see the current work and contact us. Usually something simple like a brief introduction, the project, and their timeline. Sometimes it is also good to know what kind of budget they have.
This member profile was originally published in December 2015.