Jaclyn Carlson
Jaclyn Carlson
Founder & Director, Blog Society
Sydney, Australia
What do you do?
“At heart I’m a creative matchmaker. By trade I’m a marketer, blogger and entrepreneur. I thrive on empowering and inspiring creatives around the globe through ecourses, workshops, events and blogging via my business Blog Society.”
Give us an example of how you do your job like a BOSS.
Show up each day, push through the struggle and have the courage to dream big. The most proud moments are often the most mundane but also the most rewarding. There is also nothing more rewarding than helping a fellow biz boss have that moment of clarity, that profound ‘a ha’ moment that we all crave as creatives.
For other people in your field, what do they usually lack?
Embrace failure. We all feel it - the self-doubt, the self-sabotage, that fear of regret and the fear of not succeeding. My number one tip to standing out (and apart from the competition) is getting familiar and dare I say it - comfortable with failure.
If you have multiple jobs and/or skills, which one do you wish you could do more often?
I’m slashie, juggler of tasks, balance of professions and all around creative multi-tasker but if I was given 1 more hour in the day I’d dedicate it to teaching and mentoring others, its the best part of my job.
What are you working on right now?
Oh where to start? I am so excited to opening up enrollment to our Digital Bravery E-Course which is a 30 day crash course in fearless marketing for creative minds - and bring a kick ass creative summit to Australia in 2016.
What is frustrating you right now?
Time (is there never enough?) and I suppose bridging the gap between my Australian tribe and my global contacts - my vision is to create more cross border collaboration this year, we have some amazing minds that can create some pretty cool magic together.
What are you putting off right now, but you know you have to get to, but you haven’t had the time?
Make our creative summit (finally) happen - if you’re a brand or speaking want to head down under, I’m the gal you want to speak to.
If you could hire someone for $20/hour, what would you have them do to make your day easier?
Hello invoices, tax prep and email - that would be a blessing.
What are all the tools (digital or physical) you use on a regular basis?
Google Docs is my saveur and I’m a HUGE old fashioned list girl. I love Canva for easy quick fixes, VSCO for instagram and Evernote to keep track of all my ideas and inspiration.
If you could talk to an expert to gain more insight on something, what would it be about? Give us a name so that we can reach out to them! :)
Marie Forleo for building an empire, Jaclyn Johnson from No Subject LA - I’m huge fan of what she’s build with Create & Cultivate and we’re on similar paths for what Blog Society is creating and building here in Australia, and of course Grace Bonney - she’s a blogging pioneer and one of my favs.
What kind of opportunities/projects are you looking for?
I’m a collaboration queen - brands, writers, event planners, bloggers - creative events, workshops, movements to inspire and digital online teaching options to connect and empower women biz owners around the world.
What are your deal breakers? When do you say “no” or quit.
When my gut doesn’t feel ‘right’, when the brand alignment is off and when our vision goes off course.
What is your hourly rate?
Workshop and events costs vary but our average coaching rates start around $150 per hour, which consulting rates on a package scale.
How should someone approach you about working with you?
Be brave, say hello - I can’t wait to hear from you!
This member profile was originally published on May 2015.