Justin "Jussy" Gilbert
Q What do you do?
“In short - I make pretty pictures.”
I usually squeal when I get the right shot in camera - it’s how I know we’re onto something groundbreaking. Ultimately I work with a brand to conceive a *creative* and *sustainable* approach to display the brand identity through photography. Your digital first impression… we would sculpt that together.
I’ll do that in one of two ways: I’m either the photographer that captures this imagery for you on the shoot day *or* I’m the creative director working with you in a longer-term format throughout the course of the entire project start to finish to oversee multiple creative channels for an entire cohesive creative output.
Q What steps did you take to get to where you are now?
Step 1: Curiosity, empathy, and compassion to every experience around me. Growing up gay taught me endless social lessons that I cherish and take with me daily.
Step 2: Advertising + Public Relations and Photography Degree. That helped!
Step 3: Developed my photography business behind the camera working with a variety of clients to develop my versatility, people, products, events, fashion - I believe versatility is the spice of art and life.
Step 4: My demand pulled me to focus primarily on brand representation. I created my own brand RUXWOOD which I creative direct. From here I’ve continued to share my skills with other like minded businesses that need a cohesive look and feel.
Q How do you stand out in your field?
Okay to be perfectly honest I think I stand out in my field because people tell me they love how much fun they have with me on set, and they’ll even say things like “I love your focused face, I can tell when you’re thinking about what’s needed to get the perfect shot”. I’m always giving my all hustling - I’m usually lying on the ground shooting or balancing on chairs and stools to get the perfect angle. I’d tell you something about how my photos stand out visually a certain way - but I know the truth is in the experience I deliver and enjoy with you. That will lead to the best work in my opinion.
Q What are you working on right now?
At the moment I’m currently working on a printed book, editing and curating a skincare campaign I shot last month, and soaking up the summer sun because there’s nothing like an LA summer… I’m so ready for it.
Q What’s your style?
My creative output will always reflect choices made to support inclusive representation and sharing honest stories - with a hint of the unexpected and a dose of visual intrigue. We tie these principles in to reflect the brand, person, or fellow artist I’m working with. I hear the vision and sculpt/shape it into something that’s impactful for the entity that will be using it and profiting from it. For example - Paris Hilton’s tracksuit collection: I approached this work with the creative POV of great creative directors to capture Paris in a way that feels like her universe - what makes sense to her and her fans. I wouldn’t take the same exact approach with someone else - because it wouldn’t be a fit.
Q Out of all your slashies, which one do you wish you could do more often?
Brand building through and through. Setting foundations for success is my ultimate focus.
Q What is frustrating you right now?
Retouching is a time-suck for me - I learned it passionately years ago - always held onto it and did it myself in projects because I used to believe my final touch is what makes the image ‘my style.’ When I learned to let that go it was freeing. Clear communication with retouching artists has been an incredible release and growth in my path. It set me on a directorial path to expand my higher knowledge and better help the project as a whole.
Q If you could hire someone for $20/hour, what would you have them do to make your day easier?
Retouching at 20/hr would be a nice rate. I could also benefit from an email liaison because my creative life is always moving so fast - a virtual assistant aligning my meetings would be super helpful.
Q What do you wish you could have told yourself, when, and why?
Dear Jussy, don’t bleach your hair in 2015… or in 2018…
Q If you could talk to an expert to gain more insight on something, what would it be about?
Business investment + venture capital.
Q What kind of opportunities/projects are you looking for?
Ongoing connections with brands that need to craft a cohesive look and want to start a foundation for the long-term. Startups or brands looking to refresh/restrategize. Brands that need foundational imagery to cement their place in the market.
Q Describe your ideal job/client/collaboration.
Ideally I’m brought onto your team as 1 of 2 potential roles:
1. As a freelance creative director - we work together during the term of your project, launch, or campaign to make creative, strategic and sustainable choices to set your project up for success. I suggest and recommend other visual artists to hire and execute the brand’s vision. I then collaborate with the creative team to unify the entire vision and execute deliverables inline with your needs. (Like if your project calls for CGI or video/motion graphics - I’ll work with those artists to make sure the vision we’ve aligned on look is clear.)
2. As a photographer - if your needs are strictly photography then I can be behind the camera, shooting and capturing your needs. This is where a lot of my creative direction experience comes from - it’s my longest and more cherished skill.
A recent ideal example: I photographed Paris Hilton for the release of her “Iconic Tracksuit Collection” *shout out ilovecreatives studio!!* where over 2 days I captured Paris, *and* her fashion designs on-figure with models for her e-commerce platforms. The versatility and opportunity to capture both is directly in-line with my skill set and am very grateful for that expression. This was a foundational photoshoot for her and her team to set the look and feel of her tracksuit moving forward. I was an artist brought onto a team by creative directors (Again, shout-out ilcstudios ♡).
Q What is your rate?
Creative direction relationships will be a monthly-retainer fee that spans the term of the project, launch, or campaign. If I am brought on as a photographer to capture a campaign and deliver imagery, my day-rate starts at $5,000. Creative connections are superior to money, so if you think I'm the right fit, I'm always willing to find what works best for us both to create something amazing.
Q How should someone approach you about working together?
Say hello via email (contact@jussy.co) and we’ll schedule a time to chat on the phone or facetime. Love to meet like this so we can really verbally sculpt what you’re looking for. If you see me as the perfect fit for you right away, let me know! I’m a very flexible and passionate person and believe the good art is a product of good environments. I’m always willing to work out an arrangement that works best for both of us.
Q Who is a creative you admire?
I would recommend Bronze Avery, a multi-talented artist with exceptional skills in web design and brand creation. No surprise he is my co-founder of RUXWOOD. You can find their design work at delilahpostol.com and our creative direction work together at ruxwood.com.
Q Oh! and… how do you stay creative?
I love exercise and the gym!!! I think with my body and my senses more than my mind sometimes and it’s an excellent way to fine tune those intuitions and instincts. Also, the booty be poppin.
This member profile was originally published in May 2023