Do The Math ✹Freelance Hourly Rate Calculator
Do The Math ✹Freelance Hourly Rate Calculator
Figure out your hourly rate and start charging with confidence as a freelancer.
MATH....scarrryyy! But it ain’t! Not with a super powerful spreadsheet like Do The Math. This spreadsheet answers the following questions:
When should I quit my job?
How do I calculate my freelance hourly rate?
How much time do I need to work each week?
How many vacation/personal days can I take?
What’s my annual salary as a freelancer?
How do I not burn out?
How much money do I need to save to freelance without stressing?
So whether you’re a freelance graphic designer, copywriter, web designer, digital marketer, or any freelancer, you'll learn exactly how to calculate your hourly rate with this spreadsheet! We’ve also included a video walkthrough to show you exactly how it works and how to find the answers to all of these questions!
😉 FYI, this spreadsheet is FREE in our Graphic Design Course, Finance Friends Forever Course, Squarespace Design Course, Shopify Course, and Social Media Manager Course.
The scariest part about leaving your job is not knowing how much
you need when you quit.
I know math isn't fun, but damn, it gives you so much clarity and confidence! I made this spreadsheet for myself when I started freelancing and have given it to friends that were about to quit their job or have already went all in.
Give it a try and hopefully it will give you the confidence and clarity it brought me when I was Squarespace Freelancing. Crazy stuff, I ended up making $100K and only worked 2 hours a day!
Have fun!
Puno, Founder of ilovecreatives
Rebecca, host of
For Hire Podcast
speaks with Puno
on all this fun
sexy math stuff.
❝I’ve been sending this spreadsheet to any freelancers who want to learn how to work smarter not harder (don’t we all?)❞
- Rebecca Adams, host of For Hire