Grow Spreadsheet

Grow Spreadsheet


Whether you’re growing your instagram account, revenue, or subscribers; you should map out your goals, and create your roadmap for growth.

Questions this spreadsheet will answer:

  • How much will you grow in 3 months? In 6 months?

  • What are your goals each week?

  • Which conversion let you know your business is successful? (i.e. total profit, active users)

  • Does your growth correlate with your overall conversions?


Every week, you are pouring your heart and soul into your business. Doing everything you can to sustain it.

Is that working? How do you know? You can totally know this... get some goals, yo! 

Weekly goals are a great way for you to check-in with yourself and your business. I used this spreadsheet for MadeWithMap, PeopleMap, and ilovecreatives. Every week, I looked to see where we were and how much more work we needed to do.

Don't be scared, numbers can be exciting! They can show you, quantifiably, that your business is actually growing.

Have fun!

Puno, Founder of ilovecreatives

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