Posts in Creative Profiles
Charlene Timbol

I kid you not but ilovecreatives is a lead magnet ⚡️! I get most of my client inquiries through ilovecreatives. Quite recently just updated my Creative Profile too and BOOM! i got 2 new leads. I got receipts if you want 😉 Just never fails to amaze me tbh. Best $50 I ever spent.

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Emily Wylde

I'm super grateful for the platform, I had some great projects come through from a recent newsletter ad so I'm hopeful the profile will connect me with some awesome clients and people! I booked a project with a huge US beauty brand as well as a handful of smaller brand design and illustration projects.

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Claire le Nobel

I just landed my dream job by having my creative profile up on ilovecreatives! The types of clients that come to ilovecreatives tend to be seeking more interesting creative work, so the lead quality is always high, and I get tons of website traffic through my profile. I'm so grateful for this career-changing platform!

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Zoe Norvell

I used ilovecreatives to find a motion graphics video creator. I found Stina Wahlen in Sweden and hired her to create two promo videos for my business' Instagram and Pinterest. She was great and we collaborated very well together. The videos she made for me have been collectively viewed more than 100k times. I have no doubt that we will work together on a 3rd vid someday. Thank you!

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Yelle Belle

Just launched my website designed and developed by Hello World Studio who I found on the ilovecreatives directory Not only was my site so custom that it didn't look anything like a Squarespace site, it actually was a Squarespace site that I could edit myself :) Thanks ilovecreatives for helping us connect!

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Jonathan Fierro

I’ve landed multiple contracted jobs – creative, marketing, design. I’ve been using the job board since 2019 when Puno launched her Squarespace Design Course! That’s actually what put my foot into the door with most of the employers. Anytime anyone asks me where to look for jobs, I ALWAYS recommend the ilc job board. Like no joke! Such a helpful tool for creatives.

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Taylor Rae

I joined ilovecreatives at the start of the pandemic and can't say enough good things about it. Since then I have landed a client and have received countless emails from prospective clients that told me they found my profile here.

I love being part of this community of fellow creatives, I just feel like there's nothing else really like it out there right now. The staff is so helpful, the vibes are so aesthetically pleasing, Puno is so rad, I can't think of one good reason to not sign up today.

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Creative ProfilesPuno
Katie Pearler

My profile in the ilovecreatives directory has literally been the difference between constant rent stress and being able to have enough clients that I feel comfortable turning down some. I'm busier than ever, COVID and all. Hard recommend!

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Creative ProfilesPuno
Kanya Iwana

ilovecreatives has been key to my career launch this past year. I've gotten some incredible clients through the ads as well as finding great job leads. I really look forward to Wednesdays every week for new opportunities! The creative profile is my favorite part as it serves like a friendly and more personal resume.

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Michelle McSwain

After moving to LA from NYC I was pretty anxious about how I would go about growing my client base in a new city. After only a couple months of being listed on ilovecreatives I started to receive a few inquiries from clients saying they saw my profile and wanted to hire me for shoots.

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Savanna Hunter-Reeves

ilovecreatives has been such a source of discovery for me! It's so fun to be able to connect with different creatives based on industry and location, and several clients of mine have found me through the site. It's the perfect way to attract the kind of people you want to work with.

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Cat Willett

I’ve connected with some amazing brands via ILC and had the opportunity to create illustrations for them. The best part is that I can upload work, forget about it, and awesome people just find me! What?! So cool!!

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Creative ProfilesPuno
Neada Deters

So much to love about ilovecreatives! Such a high calibre of both creatives and creative companies converging in one beautifully designed and easy to navigate online space. As soon as my profile went up, I immediately had new business inquiries hitting my inbox - and I signed my first contract with a new client within a couple of weeks. The emails keep rolling in, and I couldn't be happier with a creative business platform than I am with Puno's amazing feat with ilovecreatives.

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Maria Troconis

All the jobs I’ve gotten through here align with the kind of work I want to be doing. is the site I send my friends and colleagues to anytime they need to find someone to hire or get hired. If you’re in a creative field, get your profile up! You won’t regret it.

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Eunice Cho

I love ilovecreatives' Creative Profiles. It’s basically a curated (and vetted) resource for great talent. As a small start-up, I am in constant need to find creative freelancers. Instead of spending hours on going through resumes, LinkedIn, or expensive services like 24/7, I can come to ilovecreatives to find professionals. What’s especially awesome about the profile section is the kind of talent it attracts: people who have a lot of creative integrity and drive to make awesome work they believe in, as opposed to just a source for a quick buck. I’ve found an amazing photographer through this site. Highly recommend!

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Sara Clarken

I have benefited SO much from ilovecreatives!! I've only been in LA for 2 weeks and I have my first freelancing gig over the next 3 days for a clothing company (who reached out to me because they saw my creative profile!). Being apart of ilovecreatives has landed me new clients, new friends, new opportunities, which literally is priceless.

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