Posts in Video Creator Course
Andrea Miller

The Video Creator Course made the creative process super intuitive, way less intimidating, and fun. I became so much more confident in my content creation skills and ability to come up with ideas and iterate on them. My dad got the course for me for my birthday, knowing that I was interested in flexing my creativity. I didn't expect the course to be so engaging and jam packed with knowledge and resources.

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Sienna Pierre

I took the Video Creator Course because Jenn and Rachel are two creators that I have admired for a while now. I wanted so badly to learn from them and I just knew my art would never look the same. I was right. I just learned so much about what I'm capable of. I overcame a limiting belief that told me I wasn't creative. And I proved it wrong!

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Kiran Ramsey

I took the Video Creator Course during a period of feeling super stuck creatively. I had an idea of what I wanted to say but no vision, and I felt really alone with where I was in my process. I had watched Rachel for years and I thought about taking this course for at least 6 months before taking the leap! I was ready to have some accountability and learn how to unleash some of that same creativity and power I saw reflected in Rachel's work.

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Linda Banh

My favorite thing about this course, was the Community! Starting any new hobby or creative endeavor is very intimidating, especially as a women of color. The virtual sessions whether it was 1-1 with Rachel/Jenn or the group classes made it easier to bounce ideas and get direct feedback. Being part of such a talented and creative was truly so inspiring to me. I loved how everyone's style/thought process shined through during the showcase and  how everyone interpreted the concepts in the workbook.

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Aubrey Page

As a video producer at a brand, I wanted to be able to communicate more effectively with my editors and other members of the creative team. The Video Creator Course helped me more deeply understand the editing process, but the best (and unexpected!) side effect was the major improvement in my creative ideation at work and in my own personal creative endeavors.

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This process was way more introspective than I expected. I thought I came in knowing myself and how I like to edit, only to discover I had so much more to dig and evaluate. In school, normally you wouldn't share your work in progress and only show up with the results. Revealing each step of the process was foreign and uncomfortable for me, especially with such a personal video.

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Victor Verdugo

As simple as it might seem, just the way that the course was designed from the systematic standpoint to visually was very captivating. It feels very intimate.
A lot of what I wanted from this course was to engage with new people that I haven't been able to meet or people from different corners of the internet, or maybe even my corners that we just haven't been able to cross paths before.

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As far as what I enjoyed, I really enjoyed learning a new approach to video creation. It is hard sometimes to really build off of ideas in your head into a process of it actually becoming real. This experience really allowed me to explore my own formula of the creative process and now I am able to have the confidence to really make anything I am struggling with or learning into art. I also loved meeting other creatives. I managed to form beautiful bonds with people that I did not know at first, this really felt like a second family in a weird way lol. I have so much love for all of you and it's one of those experiences that you smile about when you think about it. It was extremely tough and at one point I was having thoughts of giving up. Having a community behind me to support me and work through my problem areas really helped me in those moments. I started to understand that sometimes this is just as equally a part of the creation process as are the more triumphant, flow-like moments.

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Maia Wilson

Firstly, my favorite was going to Rachel's office hours every week. She was so attentive to our questions and answered with such honesty that you felt she was really letting you into her world. I love the way she processes and sees the world and then aims to express that through her work. My second favorite part was meeting such amazing, creative, and genuine people. I've become close with many people in the class in such a short time span. We're all so different but this class brought us together in such a beautiful way. I haven't had this experience with an online course before.

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Emily Harper

My favorite part was the community in this course. I didn't expect it because it doesn't often happen online. Sometimes it's hard to go through these creative processes on your own and can be quite a solitary experience.

Rachel and Puno held such a good space and created such a wonderful environment that was really comfortable.

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Christine Liu

This video course brought me back to the joy of authenticity. Though I went in thinking I would learn about how to make an awesome video (which I did), it was a very personal journey of understanding my story, my values, and what I wanted to bring into this world.

My advice for someone thinking about taking the course is you'll get as much out of the course as you put into it. Don't be afraid to fail, and just create something! The more feedback you get and the more you iterate on your creative process, the stronger of a video creator you will be.

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July Jeon

Taking the VCC course was one of the best decisions I've made this year. If you are someone who feels the thirst to create, if you've ever felt the urge to express yourself through art, and if you've ever felt SO inspired with that one amazing video of your favorite YouTuber and never knew what to do about the burst of ideas, you are exactly at the right place.

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Arriane Serafico

I was unable to establish any sort of friendships in a very lonely period (postpartum!!!) of my life, so this course was literally a life buoy thrown at me when I needed it most. The weekly calls gave me a structure to DEMAND time for and from myself. Verbally riffing off ideas with other people gave me such a creative high that would carry through the week.

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You’ve really given me a new perspective and clear direction when it comes to video ideation. Also, I love the breath breaks, the calming music during the worksheet sessions, and how intentional every moment of the course feels. Thank you (and Puno + team!) for making this. The VCC course is the greatest gift…and it was actually a gift from my partner 🥰

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Lynn Chen

VCC has been unlike any other filmmaking or storytelling class I’ve ever taken. Puno and Rachel are not only wonderful teachers - with inspiring vision and style - they really break things down in a way that makes me believe I CAN DO THIS. And I’m reminded to breathe! Honestly, when I’m feeling broken or stuck, that’s the most important thing. If I had to pick a favorite thing about this experience, it would be the office hours. I love hearing about other people’s creative journeys. I have always found the pre-and-post production process to be very lonely and having a virtual community where you can hear people’s voices/see their faces is really uplifting.

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Julienne Delgado

It has been a while since I have been a part of a creative course with a small group of creatives from all walks of life. I enjoyed being able to go through a journey together understanding our own individual creative process with the guidance of Rachel and Puno. I learned so much of myself as well as pushing myself creatively and creating content in a more visceral way. I think the best part for me was hearing Rachel's insight on her creative process and watching how she creates art in the form of a video.

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Alexia Colon

The Video Creator Course is exactly what I needed to kickstart my YouTube channel journey. Rachel’s in depth creative process helped me organize my ideas and create new ones. Puno’s editing section was clear, to the point, and very entertaining. The last section on freelancing answered so many questions I had for years. Overall this course was super beneficial for me so I highly recommend it. I’ve honestly learned more useful skills in this class than I have in most of my college courses.

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Mai Tan

I finished the course a couple of weeks ago and I haven't stopped thinking about it, it just... lingers! It's structured in a very thoughtful way; in section 1, you figure out who "you" are, which creates a very strong foundation from the start. You figure out your style, your vision becomes clearer, and somehow your creativity just flows naturally as you start section 2. It's amazing. The support system is amazing too, you're surrounded by so many creatives, and it's very contagious. The fire just won't stop burning. Loved every single minute of it. Do yourself a favor and enroll in this heck of a course. You will not regret it.

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Clara Goldfarb

In the age of social media, you need to know how to make content! Even if you don't have big dreams of being a video editor. I’ve seen a lot of graphic designers and art directors finding themselves having to make videos. It's for everyone!

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Video Creator CoursePuno